Exercising in the Heat

 As we get through July and get closer to August, the weather is getting hotter. If you exercise outdoors, this may mess up your work out routine. The heat affects your body by putting extra stress on it. This extra stress can cause heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat syncope.

It’s important to know your body and when it has had enough. Signs may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, increased heart rate, visual problems, muscle cramps, excessive sweating, low blood pressure, and irritability. If these symptoms occur, it’s important to hydrate your body immediately and to cool your body temperature down. We hope that you don’t have to experience any of these symptoms and to make sure you don’t, here are some ways you can still exercise without suffering in the heat.


     -Exercise indoors

      If you’re not a member of a gym, you might want to consider joining one. Some gyms offer a summer membership, so you can go back to working          out outdoors when the fall arrives. You can also find workout routines online and do them in the courtesy of your own home.


     -Exercise in the morning or at night

      Try to avoid working out when the sun is at it’s strongest. If you can, wake up early or wait until the sun goes down to go for your run or walk.


-Dress appropriately

If it’s 90 degrees outside, pants are probably not the best option. Instead, wear shorts, loose-fitting clothing, and light colors. Make sure you apply sunscreen to any part of your skin that is exposed before heading out the door.


-Tone down your workout

If it extremely hot outside, don’t make that the day you try a new workout. Try to do something simple and something that you have done before. By doing this, you will be able to see if your body is being affected by the heat sooner rather than later. If you are used to exercising indoors, this is important because your body needs to adjust to the new change you are introducing while working out. Eventually, your body will adjust to exercising outdoors.


-Stay hydrated

It’s important to make sure your body doesn’t get dehydrated. Make sure you take a drink with you before leaving for your workout. There are certain sports drinks that will replace sodium, chloride, and potassium you are losing during your workout. Water is also another great option.



To learn more, visit: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048167